défense Vassal

Quoted post


#51 Re:

2013-11-18 19:55

#44: -

Merci beaucoup de votre soutien! Nous avons besoin de 5000 signatures d'ici le 29 Novembre

Si chacun de vous fait signer 10 personnes, on sera beaucoup plus fort

Encore merci. Je vous rappelle Caton  l'Ancien" Si l'on me demandait quel est le bien le plus précieux de la Terre, je répondrais c'est la vigne'

Ce bien vaut bien notre mobilisation



Co fondateur de la pétition



#92 in other languages

2013-11-20 11:25:12

#51: bruno - Re:

Dear Bruno,

A bunch of #winelover s worldwide, inspired by Jim Budd,  is making an strategic effort to make the word about Vassal reach the 4 corners of the world - so far we have made these 3 Versions - in Portuguese, English and Dutch - and other ones are coming. =- facebook.com/notes/karin-luize-de-carvalho/protegendo-nosso-patrimônio-ampelográfico-no-domaine-de-vassal/10151912097985914 , vincentpetre.tumblr.com/post/66958142531/we-must-protect-our-ampelographic-heritage and wijnkronieken.nl/petitie-om-frans-wijnerfgoed-te-behouden/

perhaps there would be a way to at least make a summary of the petition in english, so people who don not speak French may feel ssafer in signing the petition? we could help you with that. My email address, just in case: karin at fame-creative-lab dot com. Thanks!